OOP Criterion Scores!

After months and months of trying to find the two out-of-print Criterion titles I wanted the most … I found them! And in the space of about a month too. I am now the proud owner of their editions of “Ran” (new and still sealed) on DVD and “The Man Who Fell to Earth” on Blu-ray. I paid more for “Ran” than I really wanted to. But, I was surprised to find “The Man Who Fell to Earth” on half.com for under $50. It has been selling for upwards of $100+ for a used copies on eBay and even more for new copies on Amazon.

One of my daily routines had become checking various sites for cheap copies of these Criterion editions. With them now in my greedy, consumerist hands … I gotta say that life has felt a little like it’s lost some of it purpose. Now what can I hunt down and buy? Heh.

OOP Criterion Scores!

Criterion “Films in Context” Contest

The Criterion Collection had a contest on their Facebook page a few weeks ago where fans could do their own product shots putting the movie in a setting that would be in context of the movie. They called it “Films in Context” and I ended up submitting seven photos. Some of the ones I did worked pretty well, some didn’t and some I photoshop-ed together just for hell of it. They were going to pick 10 finalists and then the Facebook page followers could vote on which one they liked the best. Apparently, they received 1,300 entries. So, ten “Honorable Mentions” were awarded as well because the quality of the submissions were so high. The top photo of this post (for the movie “Gomorrah“) was chosen as one of the honorable mentions. It was pretty cool to crack the top 20 out of 1,300 submissions. I am a little bummed that my picture for “Videodrome” didn’t get any play … because I thought it was pretty swank.

Criterion “Films in Context” Contest

Other Weekend Weekendiness

So … some other things happened this weekend!

I saw The Faint and Ladytron at The Orange Peel on Friday night! The show was pretty awesome even if the opening act (Crocodiles) was kinda crappy. The dynamics of the bands was kinda fun to see. The Faint was totally frenetic and all over the stage … whereas Ladytron was very subdued in their presentation.

And … this Thursday I get to see Mogwai at The Peel!!!

A couple of movies got viewed off Netflix as well. And both were better than I thought they would be.

Quarantine” is soooooooo much better than the trailer or advertising would lead you to believe. I must confess that I was curled up in a fetal position on the couch for much of the end of the movie. Now I really want to see “REC,” the Spanish movie on which “Quarantine” is based.

Vacancy,” while not the greatest movie ever made, was fun and entertaining. A nice “put your brain on hold” kinda movie with a few nice scares.

In other news …
I was a total bad boy and ordered too much Dr. Who on DVD today!

Other Weekend Weekendiness