Jake Break


Hello, Jake!

I know it’s been a while since I have reached out to you. I am sorry that I haven’t seen your new movie, Roadhouse, yet. I have seen your “getting in shape for the movie” training video though. Dang! It’s too bad you shaved your chest hair but I guess you can be forgiven for that. And know, if you ever need something to drill other than your forearms, you can always hit the “contact me” link in the menu.

Love, Chas.

Jake Break

Alive, Barely Kicking

I sure do have them winter/pandemic blues. You could probably tell from my lack of posting. But, honestly, what is there to talk about? Life has fallen into a dull routine of cardio, work, eat, stare mindlessly at the TV, sleep, repeat. The weather has been too cold and dreary on Saturdays for any afternoon fire pitting with Shortlegs and Co. (one of my few mental health activities). So, it’s mainly getting takeout on Saturdays that breaks up some of the monotony.

February is ticking along and hopefully the temps with warm up quickly in March. JR and I have been distracting ourselves with plans for various backpacking trips in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Some sound fun. Some sound grueling. Time will tell!

Meanwhile, let the photos below break up the monotony of your day and week.

Alive, Barely Kicking

Beast Mode

THE BEASTMASTER 4K Blu-ray from Vinegar Syndrome
The big excitement recently has been the arrival of Vinegar Syndrome‘s new 4K UHD release of The Beastmaster. I have very vivid memories of seeing this at the local movie theater in 1982 (when I was on the cusp of turning 11 years old). I pretty much knew I was different at this point in my life and that men grabbed my attention more women. It was a weird, scary, and thrilling feeling. The Beastmaster just helped reaffirm all this. Marc Singer running around in a leather hula skirt that barely covered anything was an amazing site for these young eyes.

It’s weird to think now that my parents probably thought I was excited to see Tanya Roberts topless in this movie. Nope. I was all about Marc Singer. I mean, c’mon … look at him!

Marc Singer

The Beastmaster is one of three films from my childhood that I feel helped solidify my gayness. The other two are Flash Gordon and Gwendoline. Maybe it’s of note that all three are from the fantasy/sci-fi genre … and maybe it’s not.

Beast Mode

Eye & Ear Candy [Dark Edition]

Finally finishing up Dark on Netflix and I gotta give a shout out to the main title designers (ARRI Media VFX and Lutz Lemke). I am a sucker for a great title sequence and I gotta say that Dark has one of my favorites. And, yes. I quietly judge people who skip title sequences.

Ben Frost has composed some wonderfully ominous music for the show … which you can sample below and purchase here.

Dark also has an insanely great music supervisor (Lynn Fainchtein). I know I am not alone in wanting an official of a complete series soundtrack of songs used in the show.

Here’s the full version of Apparat‘s “Goodbye” which is used for the main titles.

Eye & Ear Candy [Dark Edition]