So … some other things happened this weekend!
I saw The Faint and Ladytron at The Orange Peel on Friday night! The show was pretty awesome even if the opening act (Crocodiles) was kinda crappy. The dynamics of the bands was kinda fun to see. The Faint was totally frenetic and all over the stage … whereas Ladytron was very subdued in their presentation.
And … this Thursday I get to see Mogwai at The Peel!!!
A couple of movies got viewed off Netflix as well. And both were better than I thought they would be.
“Quarantine” is soooooooo much better than the trailer or advertising would lead you to believe. I must confess that I was curled up in a fetal position on the couch for much of the end of the movie. Now I really want to see “REC,” the Spanish movie on which “Quarantine” is based.
“Vacancy,” while not the greatest movie ever made, was fun and entertaining. A nice “put your brain on hold” kinda movie with a few nice scares.
In other news …
I was a total bad boy and ordered too much Dr. Who on DVD today!
hey chas.
i saw ‘quarantine’ in the theatre, and i was surprised at how scary i found it. i rented ‘rec’ when it came out on ‘dvd’ and they are pretty much the same movie, except for the hint of an explanation at the end. though i thought ‘quarantine’ was a really solid movie, i wish the original had been made available in north america first. i just don’t understand this compulsion to do remakes of current foreign films when the originals stand as great movies as they are.
I really, really want to see [REC] but suspect I will have to buy it to see it.
Too much Dr. Who??? Is such a thing possible?