Gotta Get Back in the Groove … [Redux]

Sheesh. It’s been over three weeks since my last post.

I know this is directly tied to the wild mood swings I have been dealing with all year. Happy. Sad. Happy. Depressed to the Point of Stepping into Oncoming Traffic. It’s been a fun month.

I did finally get off my lazy ass and get the ceiling in the bathroom painted. Trust me. It REALLY needed it. Now it doesn’t look like a crack den in there.Newly Painted Bathroom Ceiling

The newest addition to my vinyl listening arsenal is an Audio-Technica Disc Stabilizer. An annoying amount of new records have been showing up dished (or bowled as it’s also referred to). So, I got this to ease my worry or ruining my stylus or damaging the grooves on the record.Audio-Technica Disc Stabilizer

And, I am excited to have snagged a Super NES Console Ornament from the local Hallmark store. I was there the first day this ornament was on sale (July 11) and managed to buy the last one. Good thing as it appears to be sold out online now as well. Super NES Console Ornament

A couple of weeks ago, David and I went to see the first big post-COVID shutdown show at the theater. We kinda had to go because we are good friends with the director and know several people who were performing in it. I haven’t been to the theater since I turned my keys in last July and have had nonexistent contact with any of the staff there since then. Combine that with the major slight last month, which meant that I really DID NOT WANT TO GO. I was so wound up about being there that I almost had an anxiety attack at the top of the show. Ugh. And, I ended up talking to and playing nice with the one person I did not want to see after the show. Triple Ugh.

Needless to say, when we got home, I couldn’t stop myself from pouring over the program with my red pen looking for any design problems or errors. What I wasn’t expecting was the sheer number of typos, grammatical issues, and stylistic inconsistencies I found … which means NOBODY proofread the damn thing before it was printed.
Proof Reading is Fundamental
Proof Reading is Fundamental

For the record, it can be hard to go to sleep when you have a dog straddling your torso.
Tough to Sleep

This week sees the wrap-up of Asheville Community Theatre’s Graphic Design Project. I have been plugging away at design ideas for [title of show] and have narrowed it down to three different logo treatments. I am dead curious to see which one will win the race. Hopefully, I will know when we meet up Thursday night to present our designs.

Gotta Get Back in the Groove … [Redux]

New Year … New Floor!

Goodbye, 2009 … hello, new dining/kitchen flooring!

Here’s the old (and very ugly) linoleum flooring in the dining and kitchen area.

Getting started …

In process …

I had to take a picture of how many nails the previous owner used to fasten this piece of molding because I knew nobody would believe me. It’s a slight case of overkill!

After a full day … finished!

As a bonus … Dad found this creepy clown lurking under the fridge. I have no clue where this came from as I have moved the fridge on several occasions to clean and have never seen it before. I can’t wait to terrorize Sherry with it. She hates clown.

New Year … New Floor!

Deck Rebuilding (Construction: Part I)

Saturday was a nice hot day for working on the deck. Michael came over and my Dad was there … so we fixed the supports, cut boards and nailed ’em into place. It took most of the day as we were taking some liberal rest breaks in the shade on my Mimosa tree.

All that’s left now is to put up new railing in the corner and the building will be done!

Here some pictures just to bore you …

Deck Repair
Deck Repair
The supports were put into place …

Deck Repair
Then the boards for the floor …

Deck Repair
It was crafty of Michael to work in the shade while Dad baked in the sun and heat.

Deck Repair
Michael hammers and nails.
(Insert alternative dirty caption here.)

Deck Repair
And here’s me putting the last nail of the day in.

Deck Rebuilding (Construction: Part I)

Deck Rebuilding (Prep Phase: Part II)

Deck Repair
I started taking the deck apart last night. What fun! (Pssst … that was sarcasm.)

As you can see, five braces are gonna have to be replace along with the supports underneath. There are still seven boards that need to be removed plus parts of the railing. I have to run to Lowe’s after work and pick up nails and screws. I totally forgot to do that the other night.

Tomorrow it will all go back together (hopefully). MGW should be coming by to help so that should be fun.

And here are some semi-arty burn photos …
Deck Fire
Deck Fire

Deck Rebuilding (Prep Phase: Part II)

Deck Rebuilding (Prep Phase)

Deck Repair
Here we go. The last thing I wanted to spend time doing this summer was rebuilding part of the back deck. But, it’s gotta be done. Last night Dad and I rolled out to Lowe’s and picked up 16 pieces of 2″ x 6″ x 8′ and 16 pieces of 2″ x 6″ x 10′ lumber. Tonight the burnt of boards are gonna get ripped out and the debris from the fire cleaned up. Looks like Saturday (weather permitting) is gonna be the day that we start (re)building.

As fstclss mentioned, the “what if’s” are still going pretty strong through my head. Folks have been asking how close the fire got to the house and I now have an official answer … 30″ … which is right at 2-1/2′. It might sound like a good distance. Well … it isn’t.

Deck Rebuilding (Prep Phase)