Even Keel-ish

Dad has rallied and was released from the hospital last Friday. He’s now in at a local nursing facility getting physical therapy. Once he is strong enough, he’ll be released to go home. We met with the oncologist yesterday and it looks like immunotherapy will begin next week. So, we are on this road for a little bit longer it seems.

If you had told me last Thursday that he was going to leave the hospital alive, I would have told you that you were crazy. And, It’s been interesting dealing with dad in the nursing home. It turns out that all those stereotypes about nursing facilities are true … like REALLY true. I am hoping he kicks that therapy in the ass and is out early next week. Plus, I am self-centered and am ready to get off this exhausting “work / visit the home / work / visit the home / work” schedule I have been on all week.

So, yeah. There is crazy/bad shit going on with the family, but I am going to try and get back to some sort of regular posting schedule. I know everyone is missing posts about my rampant consumerism, trips to Gatlinburg, and esoteric (and pretentious) taste in movies.


Even Keel-ish

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