A Post [Finally Edition]

Talk about feeling down and out and unfocused. I am in a funk (!) … but somehow managing to make it through. That is until my bank account gets depleted from all my “I am depressed and gonna buy things to cheer me up” purchases.

Meanwhile, here are some recent happenings.

Drugged Up Dog
Chip went in for a full mouth extraction two weeks ago. Yeah. Poor little guy no longer has teeth. This picture was taken when first we got him home. He looks so cute in his all-drugged-up state. He didn’t look so cute a few hours later when he was drooling blood everywhere. The first few days of his recovery were stressful but he bounced back pretty quickly considering his age and the fact they pulled 19 teeth. It really is for the best. His teeth were so bad that his jawbone had started to rot as well. So no more teeth for Chip and (more importantly) no more death breath for us to smell!

Sleepy Toothless Pup
And here’s an adorable picture of a pup and his favorite dad the night of the surgery. They slept like that for quite a while as I giggled my way through Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (a great stress reliever of a movie).

Jon and Carrie!
Jon and Carrie (and their kids) came into the area to visit! They have been in Colorado for quite a few years now. So, it’s always great to get to see them.

Cold Creek Flood Damage
Cold Creek Flood Damage
A little over three weeks ago, the remnants of Hurricane Fred caused catastrophic flooding in the county. The Cruso area and the town of Canton were again hard hit. The pictures above are of Cold Creek Road where my sister lives. Fortunately, her house did not get flooded … but it did damage the bridge onto her property (seen in the top photo). The scary thing about these photos is that this small creek became a monster that destroyed a two-lane road. Yeah. There used to be a road where that new streambed is. Unfortunately, five people were killed in the flooding, and scores of people have lost their homes. This week a major disaster declaration finally came down from the federal government. I am hoping the community can recover quickly. Nature is awesome and totally terrifying.

[title of show]
Finally seen out in the wild is the logo design I did for Asheville Community Theatre’s Graphic Design Project. Yay!

Now … bring on FRIDAY and the WEEKEND!

A Post [Finally Edition]

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