What’s the best way to not overeat and get too drunk at Thanksgiving? Why, plan a hike for 8:00 am the next morning! Jack, Josh and I romped over Waterrrock Knob then over Browing Knob then over the summit of Mt Lyn Lowry and out to the memorial cross on the ridge.
The view of Yellow Face and Blackrock Mountain from Browning Knob.
Looking towards Maggie Valley from the cross. Plott Balsam is the peak on the right.
Looking down into Waynesville from the cross.
And here’s some other things that have recently happened …
I made this year’s batch of egg nog. It’s damn tasty, if I do say so myself.
We went to taste wine at Biltmore with Alvin. We also got to have a glass of wine in the special Wine Club members only area of the Winery. Talk about feeling classy.
We went and saw Knives Out. I really dug it. As a friend said … “Let’s see, murder mystery, twisted humor, Chris Evans… yep, that checks out as a Chuck flick.” Ha, ha.
And I might have (yet again) gone crazy buying movies in all the Black Friday insanity. There will be a photo posted once all the online orders arrive. Someone needs to take my bank account away!
That stupid cat meme that’s been going around totally applies …