The Weekly Update

And another week for the history books with another at the doorstep. The grind keeps on going.

But, what a week! If you haven’t been living under a rock, you know that the Solar Eclipse happened this past week on Monday (August 21) … and chunk of WNC was in the path of totality. My house was so close to being in the zone at 99.982%.

Solar Eclipse: August 21, 2017

In a fun bit of coincidence, David is now working at Western Carolina University, which was in the path of totality in Cullowhee. So, the opportunity to view a full on total solar eclipse was too great to pass up. I took the day off work and traveled over to campus with him. There was a lot of time to kill until the event, but it was worth it. We got about 1 minute and 54 seconds of totality and it was so awesome. As a bonus, we somehow missed all the eclipse traffic and beat it back home before all the highways gridlocked. Score!

Solar Eclipse: August 21, 2017I am so ready to see another one.

The rest of the week was me working 10 hour days to make up for taking Monday off.
Such fun.

I was bad on Tuesday and went on a bit of a Marvel Cinematic Universe spending spree. I grabbed Daredevil Season One and Two, Jessica Jones Season One, and Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol: 2 (in 3D!). Someone need to take my credit card away!
Marvel Spending Spree!

Wednesday, I pissed some bees off while trying to get the mower out from under the shed. Two stings later (right index finger and the back of my head) and I was in quite a bit of pain. The sting on the back of my head seemed to (eventually) do fine, but the sting on my finger caused it to swell and hurt for several days. Needless to say, the nest felt my wrath later that evening. I am generally a “live and let live” kind of guy when it comes to bees … unless they fuck with me.

Thursday, I got bad news that the ailing oven is actually now the DEAD oven and I have to buy one (and I got to pay $50 to find that information out). This has led to days of indecision and worry about what brand to buy and how to buy it (10% Off/Pay for it Immediately OR 0% OFF/18 Months with No Interest). Bad thing too is that wall ovens are apparently all special order and it will take at least one month to get one here. It’s times like these that I HATE being and adult. Grrrrrrrrr.

Friday evening I went to my first WCU faculty function as a faculty spouse. Fun times with free wine and tasty munchies! Though not too much free wine. We were warned that it was bad form to get drunk at the Chancellor’s house. The really nice thing about the evening was I got to see/chat with the Chancellor’s Wife again. I directed her in The Light in the Piazza back in the fall of 2012.

Saturday ended up being a trip to Asheville. I got to stop at Harvest Records for their 13th Anniversary sale. I found the motherlode of old X albums (even though I didn’t find Los Angeles, their debut album) AND Madonna’s Erotica (a favorite of mine) on vinyl as well. So, that was my second spending spree of the week. We eventually ended up at Pastimes (the big comic shop) and David found himself a cool Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter NECA figurine. So, there were goodies for both of us yesterday. Yay!

The Weekly Update

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