8 thoughts on “Pro-Hillary Means Anti-Obama

  1. Well… don’t forget that being smart and reasonable in America is the truest of the minorities.

  2. First – from below – I AM LOVING the painting! I was drawn to those paintings, the colors…Good Choice, Chas… 🙂

    And about you “feeling fat and unattractive” – dang, I’ve felt that almost my whole life…sometimes I feel “cute” but who the fuck wants to be “cute” – dang it all! I want Beauty! *laughing* ah well…I’ll settle for cute if it’ll get my book published.

    As for the cartoon – *shaking my head* –

  3. First – from below – I AM LOVING the painting! I was drawn to those paintings, the colors…Good Choice, Chas… 🙂

    And about you “feeling fat and unattractive” – dang, I’ve felt that almost my whole life…sometimes I feel “cute” but who the fuck wants to be “cute” – dang it all! I want Beauty! *laughing* ah well…I’ll settle for cute if it’ll get my book published. Oh! I almost published this before I said I hadn’t noticed you gained weight! And you are certainly not unattractive, whether you did or didn’t…

    As for the cartoon – *shaking my head* –

  4. First – from below – I AM LOVING the painting! I was drawn to those paintings, the colors…Good Choice, Chas… 🙂

    And about you “feeling fat and unattractive” – dang, I’ve felt that almost my whole life…sometimes I feel “cute” but who the fuck wants to be “cute” – dang it all! I want Beauty! *laughing* ah well…I’ll settle for cute if it’ll get my book published. Oh! I almost published this before I said I hadn’t noticed you gained weight! And you are certainly not unattractive, whether you did or didn’t…and what is it about men telling other men they’ve gotten fat? If women did that, we’d bitch-slap them *laughing* – we know better – but a man will say that to a man….!

    As for the cartoon – *shaking my head* –

  5. HAW HAW HAW — ALL THREE VERSIONS OF MY COMMENT WENT UP! HAW HAW I kept clicking on the “x” to stop it becuase I’d remember something else I wanted to say …LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!

  6. shortlegs says:

    That kind of attitude is very scary! We don’t need Bush’s policies to carry over another 4 years! I’m still worried about the whole thing!

  7. I heard that too on NPR and there is a good article on Salon but I can’t find it… but the other thing is the Obama camp is going to have to be really savvy to bring these people back on board.

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