Eye Candy [Pro Wrestling Edition]

When I went up to Dad’s last night to hand off the salt water taffy I had bought him in Florida, he was watching WWE SmackDown. I grew up watching pro wrestling and have always liked it. It’s kinda like theater on steroids with some (or maybe a lot of) homoerotic overtones. I have not watched it in years because I did loose some interest in it as I got older. Well … needless to say, my interest was totally piqued when Sheamus bounded into the ring last night.

Irish + Ginger + Beard = Helloooooooo, Nurse!


Eye Candy [Pro Wrestling Edition]


The bosses have been out of town since Tuesday. I have been wearing three different hats here at work … and guess who is stressed out and distracted today. Ugh. Plus, I still need to do laundry and get the yard mowed today. Double Ugh.

So, enjoy this shirtless picture of some random guy while I regroup.
Random Hot Guy

Meanwhile … guess who has a birthday tomorrow. 47. Where did the time go?



I have too much on my mind and I’m distracted and very worried about almost everything.

Thanks to the internet, you can distract yourself with this picture of a random (and shirtless!) hot guy while I try and sort my shit out.

Random Hot Guy


Meanwhile …

A few weeks ago, I might have been totally bored and bought this Cellblock 13 Octane Singlet (in grey, of course).
Cellblock 13 Octane Singlet
Too bad I am not as in shape as this model. Damn you, pizza! So, imagine this guy with a belly and a nice set of man boobs plus with no tan and less tattoos. That’ll give you a good idea of what I look like in this damn thing. 😛

By the way … self-deprecation is an art form.

Meanwhile …

So, This Happened … [Redux]

Macbook Pro 2015
So, this beauty arrived earlier this week … a new 15.4″ Macbook Pro (Mid 2015)! I had been thinking about getting a new laptop at some point this year. But, with Apple’s announcement last week that they were discontinuing this model, I decided to go ahead and bite the bullet.

The 2015 model is the last Macbook Pro that comes with old USB ports. The 2016/2017 models come with Thunderbolt 3/USB-C ports. That’s not great considering all my stuff works with old USB connectors. I just couldn’t stomach the idea of having to buy a bunch of extra docks and dongles just to use my thumb drives and printer (as shown below).

Macbook Pro 2015 vs 2016/2017

I will say some dumbassery on my part has made the migration process pretty stressful. Hopefully, in a few days when things are settled, I will be super pleased with my new machine.

So, This Happened … [Redux]

Pluggin’ Away at It

Blah, blah, blah … just another crappy weekend leading into another busy week.

There was a gathering that happened last Saturday. It was the one thing that I was looking forward to last week. It was the one thing that got me through a week of total stress. It was going to be a chance to hang out with people I like and relax. Instead a touchy subject got brought up and the evening got ruined. There was arguing and tears. What a fun night (said with sarcasm).

In good news … that never ending design project suddenly got approved and went to the printer on Monday. I am still not sure how that happened. I was expecting at least another week of back-and-forth on the proof. So, I guess good things do sometimes happen. Hopefully they will remit my invoice for payment quickly. I gots lots of movies to buy!

Upcoming Stuff?
– Spending a tourist trap weekend in Gatlinburg.
– The Annual 4th of July Cookout.
– Designing the theater’s 2019 season brochure.
– Reading the new Stephen King novel and David Lynch’s memoir.
– Getting caught up on some Netflix viewing.

Meanwhile … here are Chris Hemsworth’s bulging biceps.
Hemsworth's Bulging Biceps

Pluggin’ Away at It

Eye Candy [Clothing Edition]

I have been in much need of a packable, waterproof/breathable jacket for my hiking adventures. Well, I finally got off my ass and ordered a sexy new Mamot PreCip Jacket in Steel Onyx/Slate Grey. I am really hoping the breathability is pretty good because being wet inside your jacket sucks. Who wants to get out into the woods?

Marmot PreCip Jacket in Steel Onyx/Slate Grey

The boyfriend was less than thrilled when I announced that I really needed to order myself a Cutie Chris Shirt by Ego Rodriguez. Love me, love my Chris Evans Obsession. Make mine Heather Grey, please!
Cutie Chris Shirt by Ego Rodriguez

The boyfriend was also less than thrilled that I found this shirt to be quite amusing. I could have used this several years ago … because it’s totally me. 😛
Single and Nervous

Eye Candy [Clothing Edition]

Meanwhile [May 10 Edition]

Yeah. I went M.I.A. (that’s “missing in action” and not the rapper.) This past week has been too busy and somewhat depressing at points. Not much to really talk about other than a general feeling that all good things are turning bad (theater, friendships, etc.).

I did spend the day drunk on Sunday. Wine. Champagne. Beer. It was kinda nice … but at points it kinda wasn’t because of friends getting into a fight. What a way to ruin a nice buzz.

I got to go to Tennessee yesterday for work. It was nice to be in the office there and see the people I only ever converse with on the phone or via email. Not so nice was the 5-1/2 hours in the car and driving through Knoxville at rush hour. Ugh. Singing in the car on the way back home, I did discover that I could probably kill a Lip Sync for Your Life if it were Lisa Stansfield‘s Been Around the World.

While treadmill-ing every morning, I have been able to start getting caught up of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. thanks to Netflix and my tablet. I am now about midway through Season Three. In honor of this, here’s a shirtless picture of the show’s current resident hot guy (and villain), Brett Dalton. To get those abs, I am sure he is doing a lot more than just running on a treadmill. 😛
Brett Dalton Sexy Shirtless

Meanwhile [May 10 Edition]